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Meet Liam (top left) and Jimmy (bottom right) who have been friends and aspiring business partners since getting to know each other as fellow aerospace engineering majors in college. Back in those heady days, there were many business ideas batted around and more than a couple which had brief trial runs, but we had a few other things going on at the time as well. Like finishing school, and (perhaps more importantly, at least as measured by the time we allocated to it!) meeting, courting, and marrying our wives (Liam beat Jimmy to popping the question by a matter of weeks, Jimmy retaliated by scheduling his wedding first) and beginning and supporting our young families. As they say, the best time to hustle and start a business is in your 20’s. The next best is in your thirties, married, with day jobs and 6 kids under the age of four (Liam’s three and Jimmy’s third not pictured) between your two families!
In seriousness though, Jimmy in his wife Emily and Liam in his wife Rose have found the best helpmates and partners they could have possibly asked for, without whose love, encouragement, help, and wisdom this whole venture would probably never have started. There was still a missing X factor though, some of that youthful high octane energy needed to really make this enterprise go. Enter Jimmy’s younger (but not so little) brother Chris, who often jumps on the company calls drinking directly from a gallon jug of milk, and just so happens to be kicker for the K-State wildcats (center image, number 17).
Happily working together between the five of us has been something of a dream come true, as each brings a unique and necessary talents to the table. Together, our goal is to make the best goods in support of other families like ours that money can buy, to enable you to craft the kind of home that we’d want our own boys and girls to grow up in. We are still on this journey, learning and growing in both big ways and small, and we’d love it if you joined us
Our manufacturing process looks something like the following:
Purchase a shipment of heavy US made steel from local steel yard. Load sheets onto homemade plasma cutter which Jimmy created and has refined to perfection over the past several years. Cut out designs drawn crafted by Emily. Hand off to Liam to go grind smooth and prepare for our powder coating with quality American made powder coat.
Meanwhile, Chris is hard at work getting online artwork, labels, listings, etc. done so that our customers (you!) can see what we have in store. Spray with powder coat and bake in our handmade oven. Inspect for blemishes and if our standards are met, ship. Go to bed satisfied that we’ve played some small role in improving life for another American family somewhere out there!
Join us on our journey to help bring back American manufacturing… In God We Trust!